The Story of Janet of Aberdeen

Symphony Therapy

A middle-aged American client came to Symphony Therapy feeling stuck in his life and work. He wanted help finding a way to move forward. He had tried psychotherapy before and saw some improvement in his overall sense of wellbeing. But something still seemed to be holding him back, inhibiting him from following his dreams — something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Open to the possibility of reincarnation, at least as a guiding metaphor for hypnotherapy, he decided to try past-life regression.

Deep in trance, he recalled with vivid clarity his life as a woman named Janet in early 17th-century Scotland. The tragic loss of Janet’s husband and eldest daughter in a village fire near the coast demanded that she find a way forward for the sake of her two remaining children, despite having no idea how to let go of the past and proceed. Janet’s situation and subsequent challenges in her life strikingly mirrored the client’s current situation. And reliving Janet’s struggle to find her way forward in the dark, step by difficult step, removed some deep inner block in his own psyche. After the session, he told me he experienced a whole new sense of clarity, inspired passion, and confidence he hadn’t known before.

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