Let’s Connect

Get the help you need, no matter where you are. With my online sessions and in-person appointments, I'm available most days of the week to help you. You can schedule an online (Zoom) session at your convenience using the "Book Session" button on this page.

NOTE: For in-person sessions, please contact me to arrange a time and location.

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Zoom sessions available worldwide. In-person sessions in London, UK.
For appointments call +44 7585 974384
Available Worldwide

Online Sessions

We know that sometimes it is not possible for you to get to a therapist's office. But that does not mean that you can't get the help you need. With my online sessions, we can work together no matter where in the world you are. I have treated clients around the world via Zoom, which can sometimes even lead to a deeper and more effective session, allowing clients to relax in the comfort of their own home. So, no matter where you are in world, I can provide you with the same professional service as my in-person patients.

Where to find US in the UK

In-Person Sessions in London

I offer in-person sessions at my private practice spaces in Greenwich and Islington. If you would like to book an in-person appointment, please email me or call me today. (The "Book Session" button is for online sessions only.)

Greenwich / Cutty Sark
The Practice Rooms
15A Nelson Rd
SE10 9JB

The Practice Rooms
150 Caledonian Road
N1 9RD

Client Stories

A middle-aged American client came to Symphony Therapy feeling stuck in his life and work. Curious about past-life regression, he decided to give it a try. While in trance, he recalled with vivid clarity his life as a woman named Janet in early 17th-century Scotland. The tragic loss of Janet’s husband and eldest daughter in a village fire demanded that she find a way forward for the sake of her two remaining children, despite having no idea how to let go of the past and proceed. Janet’s situation metaphorically mirrored the client’s own.…